IMS Experts
IMS is a DME medical products and supplies sales, marketing, and billing company
* Licensed Orthotist
* BOC Certified Orthotic Fitter
* BOC Certified DME Specialist

Universal Warrior® Wing Shoulder Abduction
HCPCS Code: L3960

Universal Sling Design = one size fits most
Aluminum waist frame is easily formed for accurate positioning & comfort
Airplane hinge for optimal abduction and shoulder recovery
Allows both abduction, rotation, and internal or external fixation
Includes three triangle pillows for increased abduction and/or fixation (90Ëš, 45Ëš, 30Ëš, 15Ëš)
Easy enough to be self-applied
INDICATIONS: For non-surgical or post-op shoulder conditions that require diagnosis-specific arm positioning; Rotator cuff repairs; Bankart lesions; SLAP lesions; Glenohumeral dislocations / subluxation; Posterior / Anterior capsule repairs; Shoulder instabilities; Muscle and tendon repair; Joint reconstruction